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The Exorcist Merchandise

Fight back against the supernatural forces of evil with Zavvi US’s wide range of The Exorcist merchandise. We have various products inspired by the classic horror movie, including soundtracks, clothing, art prints, homeware, collectibles, and more.

The Power Of Christ Compels You

Directed by William Friedkin, the first installment in The Exorcist franchise (which now comprises multiple films) was released by Warner Bros. in 1973. The movie draws inspiration from the novel of the same name by author William Peter Blatty, who also acted as writer and producer for the big-screen adaptation.

Near the beginning of story, we meet Chris MacNeil (Ellen Burstyn), an actor living in Georgetown with her daughter, Regan (Linda Blair). While working on a new film with Burke Dennings (Jack MacGowran), a friend of hers, Chris starts to notice a series of strange occurrences happening throughout the house in which she is staying. This escalates after Regan contacts a being from the other side with a Ouija board, an event that rapidly changes her behaviour. She utters vile profanities and even urinates on the floor in front of Chris’s party guests. Furthermore, no number of tests performed by licensed doctors can identify a root cause.

Things reach a breaking point when Regan, who has been sedated, murders Dennings by pushing him out of a window. Chris reaches out to Father Damien Karras (Jason Miller), a priest who blames himself for his mother’s death, and he meets with Regan. Despite his reluctance to believe that the 12-year-old is involved in the supernatural, Karras eventually concludes that she is possessed by a demonic entity and decides to perform an exorcism. Lankester Merrin (Max Von Sydow), an aged Catholic priest, is called upon to assist. Together, the two religious men attempt to free Regan from the clutches of evil, but this proves difficult … and dangerous.

Let The Devil In

If you’re a fan of classic horror, our line-up of The Exorcist merchandise will allow you to experience the presence of the Devil for yourself. Feel the ambience with the original soundtrack, or invite the possessed Regan into your home with our high-quality collectibles.